Author: Sabrina Ali

  • how to create and amazing resume letterhead (part 3)

    If you’re just joining this series specifically on resumes, click here. Rebecca’s letterhead and design story: Rebecca was an Engineer and believed that in her field, employment applications looked and sounded a certain way. No exceptions. To deviate from the look and feel of what was expected in a resume was to risk not getting…

  • magic questions (for self-realization)

    Sometimes something is bugging you, but you can’t quite figure out what it is. Exactly. You circle around it, but it’s in the centre and obscured. Maddeningly so. When this is the case, a lot of times that means that the answer lies in being asked the right question(s) that reveal you to you. And…

  • what’s your soul’s story?

    The soul. It’s this “thing” that’s not a thing at all. And it’s called many, many names that make it personal and meaningful to the human that the being-ness of you resides in. I don’t claim to be able to explain to you what a soul is exactly. But, I’d be lying if I said…

  • are you paid to be nice at work?

    Grade 11 was the worst year of my life. Knowledge that my step-father had sexually abused me when I was younger reached the authorities and I was going to have to testify in court. At about the same time my boyfriend had broken up with me and I had no idea why. I was interviewed…

  • how to create an amazing resume letterhead (part 2)

    Want Part 1 first? Here it is. Corey’s resume letterhead and story: When Corey and I started work on her resume she claimed that her work history had no rhyme nor reason to it. She’d done a little of this, a little of that, and some other stuff too. And if you didn’t know any…

  • how to create an amazing resume letterhead (part 1)

    The resume is finite real estate and what that means is that what goes on it is curated. By you. About you. So not only does the resume content matter, the design does too. And the design of your resume begins with your resume letterhead. It matters because it “says” something about you. Just like…

  • the great resume checklist

    Now that you’ve seen, studied and reflected upon your existing resume in reference to the sample from the last article, this step asks you to create a checklist so that you know when your very own resume is complete. Otherwise how will you know when it’s time to stop tinkering and put it to use?…

  • the anatomy of a resume

    It’s not bragging if you can back it up. – Muhammad Ali A resume is composed of parts and structure – it has a recognizable anatomy. This you know. If you give someone a resume that departs too much from the anatomy that they’re familiar with they can’t relate to it. It doesn’t “count” as…

  • why treating yourself as a commodity is a great disservice (part 4)

    Here’s the point of your resume: Ability to self-attune = self worth = career satisfaction What we see in the career landscape of today is that resumes that are supposed to represent your self-worth (and also determine a monetary worth for the work that you do) are actually resumes filled to the brim with shame…

  • why treating yourself as a commodity is a great disservice (part 3)

    In the previous article you may have discovered that you unconsciously perceive your work as a venue for meeting your unmet childhood needs of acceptance, love and approval. In fact, you might have been funnelling most of your daily energy into this as your work and can tell because you feel its influence over how…