what are your career plans for 2014?

A career is a long and arduous thing when you’re not inspired. Retirement can’t come fast enough.

In contrast: When you are inspired through what you contribute in your work, there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be or anything else you’d rather be doing.

Really. (And I know that you secretly know this already.)

Since we spend most our lives with work and in work in some capacity or another, it’s worthwhile to create an intentional vision for your precious time housed in a temporary body containing a wild heart. Because more than most things, setting an intention (and WRITING IT DOWN) will influence your time more than anything else will.

True story.

Ready to make believe for real by writing it all down? I hope so. Because I really, really want you to have the career fairy tale come true that I know you want this year.

The good part is that you don’t have to know all the answers. What you do need to know is what feeling you want. So we’ll start there. Together. And let that feeling speak to you. Whatever feeling you decide on, actions will come into alignment with that.

Oh and to make it easy, it’s fill in the blank!! Whether you’re in a job or not, that you like or not, whether you’re a 9-to-5er or not, you can do this. Because bliss is a whole other level of what it means to work.

And a hint for writing ease: Write what appeals to your heart, head, body and soul. Make sure your whole self is in each answer. Not just your head. Not just your heart. Full inclusion here, k?

I’ll go first. But then it’s your turn!

I want my career in 2014 to feel … magical.

My intention through my work this coming year is to … create the world’s most inspiring and authentic space to make your career fairy tale dreams come true.

To help make my intention a reality, some of the helpful things I’m offering through the work that I do include and involve …

:: Simplifying what I offer to my clients into two elegant offerings. There might be one more coming. Still thinking …

:: Completing a book plan for a novel on how to create the definition of success that you want in your own life. It’s a memoir, career guide, fairy tale.

:: Recording (for sharing) some of my authentic resume creating philosophies and tips that have made fairy tale careers actually happen. It takes less time to say it than write it. (So, I’m just going to go with that).

:: Rustling up a few more guest articles for some of my favourite online friends and colleagues.

To focus on my desired feeling and intention, there are some things that need to be let go of, that I need to stop doing, remove from my space, or release for the better. This includes …

:: Reviewing the writing that I’ve outgrown on my site and replace it with stuff that’s much more me.

Worrying that my articles aren’t useful enough or articulate enough.

:: Responding so urgently to emails. Creativity is now my priority. (For the record though, I have the best auto-responder in place that thoroughly amuses people … send me a test email if you want to see what it is. It’s getting loads of compliments).

I’m making my desired feeling and intention a priority because I really want to be known for … helping to make fairy tale careers come true for people who secretly know it’s possible, they just don’t know how.

When I start to feel a little over my head or start to wonder if I can really do this (because I know that doubt is part of being human) I will keep it real and simple by reassuring myself that … my dog loves me and I love my dog. My husband loves me and I love my husband. Life really is lovely as it is.

And in a year’s time, I will have completed ONE very meaningful thing near and dear to my heart. It’s … my book plan and at least 200 pages of my book.

This is the plan for my magical career in 2014.

And now you:

:: I want my career in 2014 to feel …

:: My intention through my work this coming year is to …

:: To help make my intention a reality, some of the helpful things I’m offering through the work that I do include and involve …

:: To focus on my desired feeling and intention, there are some things that need to be let go of, that I need to stop doing, remove from my space, or release for the better. This includes …

:: I’m making my desired feeling and intention a priority because I really want to be known for …

:: When I start to feel a little over my head or start to wonder if I can really do this (because I know that doubt is part of being human), I will keep it real and simple by reassuring myself that …

::And in a year’s time, I’ll be thrilled because I completed ONE very meaningful thing near and dear to my heart. And that’s …

This is the plan for my (insert desired feeling again here) _______________ career in 2014!

Sharing is caring and I’m all ears. :)

FYI – this post was inspired by one of my writing teachers.

make. believe. for real.
Where you fuel, re-tool and attune your imagination. Get your soul to work (on purpose). Ruthless compassion. Fierce gentleness. Sassy wisdom. And oodles of insight.

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