Category: freedom // authenticity

  • 10 prompts to help you figure out your career

    Once upon a time as a child, someone asked you: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” And maybe you had an idea. But it was just that – an idea. Nothing fully formed nor informed for that matter. And when you were asked, you were busy. Busy being in the now.…

  • 5 approaches (you may be using) that harm your career transition

    When you’re in the mood, mode, or hurry to change jobs or careers, you’re focused on what’s next. And knowing what you want next instills a feeling of confidence. It’s that sense of direction that we crave to feel. Now, all you have to do is go and get what you want. Just one quick…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with alex franzen

    “A great sense of bliss, and certainty and serenity comes from knowing who you are … and not just knowing, but having the words to convey it … If you can’t answer the question: ‘So, what do you do?’ Then [knowing who you are] is not really worth much … It’s the ownership of the…

  • 50 ways to enjoy your current job (more than you currently do)

    1. See everyone as someone with a purpose (including you). 2. Have dreams. 3. Acknowledge what you know and do each day. 4. Care for your work space. 5. Breathe before answering. 6. Go to the bathroom when you need to. 7. Share something (that you think is) strange about yourself with others. 8. Express…

  • i’m fine, thanks.

    Oh no. You’re not. Don’t even start with me. Seriously, when you tell someone “I’m fine, thanks” have you ever really paused to consider how not fine things really are? If you were really fine you would be on purpose, you would be singing your song (that only you can sing). By the way, you…

  • i didn’t win

    A few months ago, I entered a writing contest. That was a new (and scary) thing for me to do. Because I don’t usually write about anything other than what you see here. I wrote in a new genre for me. It’s kind of like listening to your favourite rock n’ roll singer try their…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with geekstar paul jarvis

    “[Entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs]* are afraid to be themselves in their work. They think [being authentic] isn’t professional, that people won’t like them, that their personality won’t match with everybody else’s. I know that my personality doesn’t match with everybody. And I’m happy about that . It’s how I know that who is working with me…

  • what was i thinking (when i decided to become an entrepreneur)?

    So you’re considering entrepreneurship and thinking to yourself: “What am I thinking? I must be crazy!” Starting a business seems so risky after all. And maybe you’re like I was – almost mad at yourself that there isn’t some other way that you could be happy, doing something equally as gratifying without all of the…

  • a real career conversation

    Have you ever had a real conversation with someone about your career? Someone you felt safe with and could really trust? Probably not. And understandably. Career is the aspect of our lives that has as much to do with survival as self-expression. And we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe that survival and self-expression cannot co-exist in…

  • Bliss Kit Launched: it’s not too late to be you (at work)

    It’s not too late to be the real you + get paid for it. Get your bliss on with the Bliss Kit Holy. Claim. Your. Bliss. Now. Get secret weapons grade career help to cure that “icky Monday morning” feeling. Why secret weapons grade? Excellent question (I love how we’re so connected). Do this: Think…