Tag: career journeying

  • claim your career bliss: interview with l’erin alta-devki

    “I knew that [my day job] wasn’t sustainable although I was getting money to travel [and] to do all these other things that I wanted … I did not want to get up in the morning and go to work. There was something greater that was calling me that I was not moving into ……

  • the need to be real at work is real

    I felt like pulling my hair out and thought I was going blind. Total self-invalidation happening here. I had two orders for signage from the same company that were supposed to look identical in styling because I submitted the same file just a day apart. But the two orders came out looking totally different. Daniel…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with adam king

    “If [overcoming my limitations or myself] were achieved through a pill or some magic ‘big break’ … I would have been piling on another layer of false identity and false pursuits … we must revel in the process [of life]… because if you’re not, [you] miss getting rid of everything that is burdening you as…

  • 10 prompts to help you figure out your career

    Once upon a time as a child, someone asked you: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” And maybe you had an idea. But it was just that – an idea. Nothing fully formed nor informed for that matter. And when you were asked, you were busy. Busy being in the now.…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with lynda monk

    “You need one [self-care] to have the other [bliss] … I learned over time that when self-care is something that I return to as a ritual and a practice … it lights up the other parts of my life … Self-care says who I am is important and what I need is important … and…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with alex franzen

    “A great sense of bliss, and certainty and serenity comes from knowing who you are … and not just knowing, but having the words to convey it … If you can’t answer the question: ‘So, what do you do?’ Then [knowing who you are] is not really worth much … It’s the ownership of the…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with tad hargrave

    “One of my mentors … his money vanished … like 2 million dollars of his life savings gone … In an interview he said: ‘I spent 40 years doing what I wanted to do. I still have those 40 years. I just lost the money. [Others] lost the money and the 40 years.’ … One…

  • 5 gifts of bliss. love, poetry

    I had this love-hate relationship with poetry for decades. And I know I’m not the only one. Here’s how it went: I loved it if I understood it. Hated it if I didn’t. And most of the time I hated it. Because I felt inadequate in my lack of understanding (blaming myself for not ‘getting…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with tanya geisler

    “If it’s not hard, then it’s not important. Bliss is fluff, bliss is fun, bliss is joy. That’s for after you’re done working. That’s for Friday nights. That’s for a very small window. Bliss is for vacation. This is life baby. If you’re not sweating and working your fingers to the bone, then it’s not…

  • i’m fine, thanks.

    Oh no. You’re not. Don’t even start with me. Seriously, when you tell someone “I’m fine, thanks” have you ever really paused to consider how not fine things really are? If you were really fine you would be on purpose, you would be singing your song (that only you can sing). By the way, you…