Tag: career transition

  • claim your career bliss: interview with l’erin alta-devki

    “I knew that [my day job] wasn’t sustainable although I was getting money to travel [and] to do all these other things that I wanted … I did not want to get up in the morning and go to work. There was something greater that was calling me that I was not moving into ……

  • the need to be real at work is real

    I felt like pulling my hair out and thought I was going blind. Total self-invalidation happening here. I had two orders for signage from the same company that were supposed to look identical in styling because I submitted the same file just a day apart. But the two orders came out looking totally different. Daniel…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with adam king

    “If [overcoming my limitations or myself] were achieved through a pill or some magic ‘big break’ … I would have been piling on another layer of false identity and false pursuits … we must revel in the process [of life]… because if you’re not, [you] miss getting rid of everything that is burdening you as…

  • 10 prompts to help you figure out your career

    Once upon a time as a child, someone asked you: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” And maybe you had an idea. But it was just that – an idea. Nothing fully formed nor informed for that matter. And when you were asked, you were busy. Busy being in the now.…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with lynda monk

    “You need one [self-care] to have the other [bliss] … I learned over time that when self-care is something that I return to as a ritual and a practice … it lights up the other parts of my life … Self-care says who I am is important and what I need is important … and…

  • 5 approaches (you may be using) that harm your career transition

    When you’re in the mood, mode, or hurry to change jobs or careers, you’re focused on what’s next. And knowing what you want next instills a feeling of confidence. It’s that sense of direction that we crave to feel. Now, all you have to do is go and get what you want. Just one quick…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with ronna detrick

    “In any context … I want to be doing things that I am super passionate about, that have all kinds of energy, but that are [also] restful. Not this kind of ‘striving, frantic, tension-producing, what am I doing, who am I, what’s going on, exhausting hamster wheel-spinning in my head’ – I don’t think these…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with geekstar paul jarvis

    “[Entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs]* are afraid to be themselves in their work. They think [being authentic] isn’t professional, that people won’t like them, that their personality won’t match with everybody else’s. I know that my personality doesn’t match with everybody. And I’m happy about that . It’s how I know that who is working with me…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Chief Penguin Michael Katz

    “You have to be willing to accept a pretty big element of ‘we don’t know how this story is going to turn out.’ And I’m not a risk-taker, maybe it looks like I am, but I’m really not … but I have definitely learned to go with the scary choice. If the less scary choice…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Life Coach Tim Brownson

    “We ask ourselves: ‘What will I do with my money to make me happy?’ A better approach is to find out what makes you happy and then work out what minimum amount of money you need to do the thing that actually means you’re happy … Bliss is doing the thing you’d do anyway.” –Tim…