workplace nemesis

::Do you actually like your job, but a particular someone you work with is making your life more difficult?

:: Is there a type of person and/or conflict that has followed you to at least several of the places that you’ve worked?

:: Do you feel a sense of isolation about what you’re experiencing because you’ve stopped sharing about this person or situation? Or certain people want you to stop sharing?

:: Are you considering a career transition or quitting without a plan because you think that most other people would have been able to overcome a situation like this by now? And this is just proof that you’re in the wrong kind of work environment?

:: Does this situation involve a boss or colleague who isn’t technically doing anything illegal (e.g. discrimination) but causing you a great deal of discomfort or unrest? Is their behavior such that it wouldn’t make the radar of Human Resources but you can’t take them on and survive to tell the tale without support?

I know that the thought of leaving your job initially fills you with relief. But there is also a part of you filled with dread (and rightly so) because of the inconvenience and expense of finding another job never knowing if that same profile of person type or situation is going to be there too. When you really think about it, you like your work. At the very least, you want to stay in your job long enough to create some kind of plan from a place of calm and clarity. It’s just that you don’t have resolution about this one damn thing (or maybe two).

From my experience, it’s not uncommon at all for someone to think that they want a career change when they’re experiencing a conflict (inner or outer) at work. So I created this service to help you with your most pressing issue, person or challenge. Sometimes these conflicts take over your mind and steal your joy, not only at work, but from other parts of your life too. And that can feel so unfair when you’re trying to make the best of things and have so much else that matters to you. It’s like a pebble in your shoe that gets more painful as time goes by and though you’ve tried to take it out many times, it’s still in there somehow.

If this service sounds like it’s for you, read on.

By the end of our time together you will:

  • Understand how and why you are reacting to the situation as you do;
  • Receive compassion, perspective, insight, and ideas that you have yet to consider;
  • Revisit your past strategies with kindness to renew your energy and faith in yourself;
  • Practice new strategies that you’d like to try in real life (that you’re not obligated to carry out until you’re ready or it’s really time);
  • Learn about the light AND dark side of personality types* to give greater context and meaning to what you’re dealing with (this is quite fun!); and
  • Be referred to additional readings to continue renewing your energy for what’s ahead.

*You’re very likely dealing with someone whose dark side you’ve caught a glimpse of and hardly ever does anyone discuss the impact of the negativity that personality types are all capable of.

Important notes: This service is NOT legal advice. It does not cover any workplace conflicts that have crossed the threshold into legal matters (e.g. Discrimination). If you are experiencing anything that clearly breaks employment laws, a charter, or constitution in your workplace or country, consult your Human Resources department, call a government employment bureau (requesting confidential service), or get legal counsel. If you’re not sure if your situation fits this service you are welcome to email me the high level details and I will let you know before you book. All inquiries are strictly confidential as are the contents of emails, session discussions, phone calls, etc.

How this offering works:

The service is offered over two sessions 3-10 days apart (as mutually agreed upon).

Session 1 (2.5 hours):

At a mutually agreed upon time via Skype or phone (depending on your location), in the first portion of this session, I invite you to share about the situation and/or person for which you’d like resolution. I am open and interested in every angle of your experience, so be prepared for questions to help me really get it.

For the second part of this first session, I introduce you to a simple and entertaining personality assessment tool and review the light and dark side of the personality (I email you a kit that I introduce you to on our call). This session is fairly intensive and will require some time for reflection on your part afterwards. You will use this information to make further observations about your situation to share in Session 2.

Session 2 (2 to 2.5 hours):

At a mutually agreed upon time (3-10 days after Session 1), we follow-up via Skype or phone to discuss your prior strategies compassionately. Armed with new information and insight about yourself, the situation and/or person, I aid in the design and practice of new perspectives and strategies. By this time, you are aware of the existence of viable alternatives based on your needs and feelings that are both professional and appropriate to your situation and workplace.

You can email with follow-up questions as much as you wish for up to 21 days after our session.

If you’d like to book this service with me here are the process details:

Click on the PayPal button below to make your reservation. It’s $250 CAD. Within two days of receiving your reservation request for Session 1 I will email you to set up a time. If you would like to email me prior to our first session with some background on your situation I whole-heartedly welcome that. But I also understand if you’d rather not.

At least 24 hours prior to Session 2 the remaining balance of $250 CAD is due to confirm our time together. I can send you a PayPal invoice or we can make other payment arrangements.

Also, if you need a payment plan that suits your needs better you can let me know and we can work with your situation individually. Don’t hesitate to ask if that would help to make your life more wonderful.