Author: Sabrina Ali

  • trying times call for compassionate measures

    During a pandemic, it’s easy to see that we are in this for the long-haul. But what this time can reveal is that our entire life is the true meaning of long-haul. Though it was too distracting to really acknowledge that before this “hell must’ve frozen over” and “pigs must be flying” moment in the…

  • the crucible of creativity

    Beyond the home of where we each reside, the anxiety of a mass drama is taking place as we are halted from progressing at our usual global speed. The earth itself, travels in space while we live as ants on it. Before the virus, during the virus, and after the virus pandemic. Life will go on…

  • the end of work as we know it

    Hi there, It’s a nice day today. It’s chilly, but the sun in shining. It looks normal outside. Spring seems to be peeking through and coming up wherever I look. A fresh green bit here. A skyward carpet of white blossoms decorating the trees. A whisper of pink still bundled up threatening to burst out…

  • how i cultivate creativity

    Creativity is in being. And if you’re not connected to your beingness, life will always feel harder than it needs to. Time and time again, when life feels really, really hard (and it does sometimes), it’s because I’m blocked from my creativity. I can only see the thing I’m looking at one way, when what…

  • do you think you’re lazy even though your work tires you out?

    I’ve had more than a few clients, after working together for a little while, suddenly start to accuse themselves of absolute laziness. Their lives aren’t moving in the direction they want to be moving in. Even though they really want it to. In reality, they swat away the suggestions or ideas or inspirations that might…

  • 4 ways to get calm when faced with stress at work

    Work stress can be anything that creates the seed of anger within. And long-standing stress is unequivocally unhealthy even though we think of it as normal. But like many things, all that is normal, isn’t necessarily healthy. The number one way that you keep the stress loop going is by minimizing its impact on yourself,…

  • when a career counselor career transitions

    When I started this website and online library (I don’t like the word ‘blog’), I didn’t know what it would become. I was a Career Counselor and that’s all I knew. And then I started to write articles … about career counseling. I worked one-on-one with clients (still do) and did cameos in corporations that…

  • 5 signs you should’ve never taken that job

    Job offers are seductive. You feel so rewarded for all that effort. You won. You’re the one out of all the other possible applicants that got offered the job. You even celebrated this fact with a night out, a new outfit, or a toast. But as we all know, the high of receiving the job…

  • the art of career storytelling (for better resumes, interviews, and self-awareness)

    As you know, most people don’t like working on their resume content. The endless tinkering can feel asinine. If that’s how you feel though, you’re in the right place. Because refining resume content ought to increase, rather than decrease which is often the case, self-understanding and confidence. I think we’ve all had the experience of…

  • the secret to writing unique, professional, and intriguing resume bullets

    Let me guess … you don’t like resume writing. And I wouldn’t blame you. There’s a lot riding on crafting resume content. To elaborate on why this is so important, your resume content gives employers information about your self-esteem, what you get offered in the way of renumeration should you receive a job offer, in…