Author: Sabrina Ali

  • New #Make. #Believe. article on psychopo

    New #Make. #Believe. article on psychopoeia. #say #no with guts and grace:

  • What the dog taught #1: Be abundant

    I often observe my dog and her ability to be so purely present in the moment. She is able to demonstrate in very simple and clear ways things that are very challenging for a human being to master. I’ve decided to write the lessons down and share them as they come to me. Here’s the…

  • I’m naked … and it’s all for you

    Every time I post a piece, I get naked. I’d heard before that revealing your creativity in some form for all to see was like getting naked. Now I know it’s true. A direct expression from within my being … and it’s all for you! The ta-ta’s that for years I tried to minimize or…

  • When there’s no love left … check your resume

    No love left for your job that is. Time to move on. That much is clear to you, but to what? Before moving on just yet,  even a quick reflection and moment of insight can impact how you go on from here. No matter whether by chance or by design, you had a role to…

  • career-building saboteurs

    We hang onto beliefs long passed their utility has expired – which means that decades can literally go by. We experience them as the saboteurs that keep us from feeling on our path in jobs that are otherwise a wonderful fit for the present moment. The ones that need reflection are the ones that create…

  • How diva-vorcing a friend set me free

    Some friendships fade into memory. You both just grow your separate ways. It’s an organic occurrence. And then there are those that require more formal proceedings. Linda* was in my life for 13 years. We met during our first year at university. I was totally friendless and she was “friendly” (maybe desperate and needy is…

  • Bliss n’ blisters – career guidance for your soul

    There’s a voice in my head that loves to suffer. It would come out every time it was time to find a job (which was a lot since I regularly left my jobs either because contracts ended or I needed a change of scenery motivated by unhappiness). The voice would say: “You need to pay…

  • It’s just not nice … to be nice

    “I was trying to be nice. ” How often have you found saying or thinking those words? As far as I’m concerned, it’s an epidemic that keeps us from really living our lives. I remember that I used to believe that I was actually doing a good in the world by trying to be nice.…

  • I’m work? wtf?

    I’ve never heard of anyone looking into the eyes of a relatively new life murmuring: “What a work in progress you are! What a little ‘not good enough’ you are!” I’m talking about a baby. A puppy or a kitten will do too. Maybe you’ve watched the little one sleep feeling yourself too lulled into…

  • Daydreaming is magic

    This dog was my inspiration on a day like any other. Long before we actually ever found Sonnet, I researched dog breeds by reading about them online, talking to everyone that I knew that had a dog about their dog and struck up conversation with strangers about theirs. I wanted to share my life with…