Author: Sabrina Ali

  • 23 options (for optional thoughts) with happy career implications

    Thoughts are options. And all thoughts are optional. However, options are what seem to be missing from a dissatisfying career. And an unfulfilling, dissatisfying, exhausting career is the result of rigid thoughts. And let me tell you (because I’ve been there x 100) – nothing, absolutely nothing hurts more than a rigid thought trying to…

  • what should you do to make your career better?

    As an expert, professional and human being I don’t believe in “shoulding on yourself.” Ever. Like. Seriously. “Shoulding” on yourself is actually a debilitating way to go about your life. Because I don’t know if you’ve ever really noticed, but take note now – the voice of “should” is not kind, nor compassionate nor wise.…

  • a happy birthday to me! + it’s pay what you can day 4 u!

    I would love for you to celebrate with me. And to celebrate you. *** THE SALE IS NOW CLOSED FOR 2014. THANK YOU!*** And to celebrate together, it’s the second: “Bliss Kit Pay What You Can Day.” For the next 24 hours I’m offering the Bliss Kit for whatever you can pay. For yourself? Lovely.…

  • the most disliked career question that ever existed (+ a worksheet for your answer because it doesn’t have to be this way)

    Most people (and clients) I know hate being asked: “So, what do you do?” The conversation is going great. You’re connecting and laughing and then suddenly the other person slips in the dreaded question. You tell them your job title: “Oh me .. um … I’m a Career Counselor.” And you hope the question is…

  • your most meaningful career plan ever (as a poem)

    Your career isn’t a job title – in fact, a job title is just packaging to say how you spend your day. A focus on the packaging keeps you away from meaningful career planning. So, let’s quickly plan your career. And I do mean quickly. Get ready to write it down and keep it in…

  • whatever your work, let it be how you care (for you + others)

    “Not ALL people can or will follow their passion even if they could find it … Someone’s still gotta take orders at McDonald’s, haul the garbage, answer the phones, install the cable. If all of us were destined for ‘living the life we were meant to live,’ nobody would do those jobs!” If you think…

  • the circuitous and curious fabled yet truthful path to career bliss

    As a wee one you got asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” … a lot. And really, how annoying was that?! A mermaid. A car designer. A firefighter. A dancer. A hockey player. An umpire. A unicorn. Duh. Your family smirked. Thought you were cute. They took your dreams literally…

  • career + life wisdom from a 5 year old (that you can actually use now)

    You don’t have to wait until you’re old to get it. You can have it right now. It’s something that will make all the difference in the world. It’s your own wisdom. And it comes from seeing yourself as you are from an accepting place. Not as you would like to be, not as you…

  • what are your career plans for 2014?

    A career is a long and arduous thing when you’re not inspired. Retirement can’t come fast enough. In contrast: When you are inspired through what you contribute in your work, there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be or anything else you’d rather be doing. Really. (And I know that you secretly know this already.) Since…

  • getting in the mood … for career bliss

    “Working on your career” isn’t the most inspiring thought to hold in your mind. In fact, it usually conjures up the feeling of rolling a rather large boulder up a big hill without really understanding the purpose of the task. So, my advice is: Don’t bother working on your career. Focus more on getting in…