Author: Sabrina Ali

  • how does the world see you?

    Of course you can always ask for feedback when you want to know how the world sees you from whomever, but there’s a caveat to the question – wouldn’t you rather know how the world sees you at your best? ‘At your best’ is your ‘money maker’ or ‘hire me’ quality – something about you…

  • something for when self-doubt visits you on your career path

    Believe. It’s one of my favorite words. Ever. The word itself used as a mantra brings me into the present and I use it to help me remember the big picture of life for those not so inspiring days. (Hey – they happen to all of us. And to ignore that or deny that is…

  • creating career happiness begins with forgiveness

    Forgiveness + career. They go together. They belong together. They influence and affect one another. But very rarely are they ever spoken of in the context of togetherness. Too often it is the lack of forgiveness that prevents you from being the person you want to be doing the job you want to be doing.…

  • fairy tale career or fairy tale romance? how do you choose?

    Whether in a movie on screen or the movie you call your “real life” – career and romance are pitted against one another to create a great deal of angst as well as drama. Seems hard to create happiness in both. And that’s how it looks in the tabloids too. It’s a choice for sure,…

  • a more beautiful career means learning to ask a more beautiful question

    Honestly, I feel really sad (and sometimes mad too) that most people don’t know what a beautiful question is or how to ask one nor how the beauty of a question can dramatically alter the course of one’s life. (In fact, I am painfully aware of how you rob yourself of the kind of experiences…

  • at work shit happens … and what’s that like for you?

    Work is stressful. Incredibly so. But do you know why? It’s because even though we all know that shit happens at work, we don’t want shit to happen at work. It’s like you think you’re just there to do your job. And if that were true, you could just do your job. But work, like…

  • 40 ways to create more career possibility for yourself especially when you think it’s not possible

    Think of these 40 as a starter kit. The purpose of this list isn’t to judge yourself or others for their (or your own) method. Though you you know and I know that your ego will do that anyway. Your ego doesn’t like hearing that possibility exists when it thinks there are none and certainly…

  • a ‘what if’ (positive possibility) exercise for career bliss

    The one rule: Bask in the glow of your potential. The one instruction: Read the completed exercise aloud to yourself (and/or a loving audience) as often as you wish. The one consideration: Give yourself permission to re-write as you evolve your consciousness and self-concept. You don’t wake up the same every day – so keep…

  • 9 writing prompts to help you figure out what’s not working in your career

    I once interviewed Lynda Monk and in our interview she said something that I saw for the first time hidden in plain view. It made something that I usually do seem and feel different. Before I tell you what she said, I’m going to metaphorically press “pause” for a moment and tell you about a…

  • career sabotage is real and so is what your body knows

    It’s useful, preferable and a good thing to acknowledge when you don’t feel safe. And I’m not talking about your life necessarily being fatally at risk in a literal sense, but in another way. A way the compromises your authenticity … or that asks you to: I’m talking about (not) feeling emotionally safe. Especially at…