Tag: figure out your career

  • a simple recipe to change for the better – seemingly effortlessly

    Changing for the better feels hard, and there’s a very good reason why it does. It’s because we cannot be better than we believe ourselves to be. It’s not possible. And what you believe to be true about yourself determines all of your behaviour, which then reinforces your beliefs. Now that you know this, allow…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with the purpose fairy

    “[If you] peel off the layers that other people put on you…you shine. You go back to your origins … [To live this way] imagine yourself on your deathbed now – I certainly did. Now ask yourself this: ‘Is this how you want to live your life [until then]?’” – The Purpose Fairy, Writer and…

  • 10 prompts to help you figure out your career

    Once upon a time as a child, someone asked you: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” And maybe you had an idea. But it was just that – an idea. Nothing fully formed nor informed for that matter. And when you were asked, you were busy. Busy being in the now.…

  • 5 approaches (you may be using) that harm your career transition

    When you’re in the mood, mode, or hurry to change jobs or careers, you’re focused on what’s next. And knowing what you want next instills a feeling of confidence. It’s that sense of direction that we crave to feel. Now, all you have to do is go and get what you want. Just one quick…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Liv Lane

    “I want bliss everyday. And when I say that I want bliss everyday, some people think that saying that means that we won’t have difficult times. Bliss doesn’t erase grief or pain or anger. One of the reasons that bliss is possible because you’ve gone through those things.” – Liv Lane, Artist/Writer/Speaker/Mentor/Mama at LivLane.com Liv…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Chief Penguin Michael Katz

    “You have to be willing to accept a pretty big element of ‘we don’t know how this story is going to turn out.’ And I’m not a risk-taker, maybe it looks like I am, but I’m really not … but I have definitely learned to go with the scary choice. If the less scary choice…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Life Coach Tim Brownson

    “We ask ourselves: ‘What will I do with my money to make me happy?’ A better approach is to find out what makes you happy and then work out what minimum amount of money you need to do the thing that actually means you’re happy … Bliss is doing the thing you’d do anyway.” –Tim…