Tag: love your work

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Chief Penguin Michael Katz

    “You have to be willing to accept a pretty big element of ‘we don’t know how this story is going to turn out.’ And I’m not a risk-taker, maybe it looks like I am, but I’m really not … but I have definitely learned to go with the scary choice. If the less scary choice…

  • claim your career bliss: interview with Life Coach Tim Brownson

    “We ask ourselves: ‘What will I do with my money to make me happy?’ A better approach is to find out what makes you happy and then work out what minimum amount of money you need to do the thing that actually means you’re happy … Bliss is doing the thing you’d do anyway.” –Tim…

  • burning question: what’s your superhero name?

    If you’re following me on twitter, you already know. I wasn’t hiding it from you. The name when I’m undercover is none other than The Witch of Bliss (@thewitchofbliss). As a sorceress of sorts, I use my prophetic and portal creating abilities in everything I do wherever I go and help others to do the…

  • Bliss claimers: Who ARE these people?

    I’m finding out. I’m interviewing them, right here. People who are actually doing it. A series of video interviews. Just for you! I run them as they are ready for viewing beginning the last week of March 2012. (OMG, it’s my inner Oprah coming out!) Real people, in the flesh, claiming their own bliss. Sharing…

  • my ingredients for bliss – a manifesto

    Everyone is always teaching you how to love yourself (you just may not agree with their methods). Eat well. Sleep well. Laugh well. Live well. You are the hero you’ve been waiting for. You are brilliant. Your job is to honour and channel that brilliance. You don’t control who loves you. You don’t control who…

  • tell me your secrets, hopes, fears and dreams + questions

    Give ’em up! I dare you! I confess. I am deeply interested in your big questions, your burning questions and your secret questions about how to create and follow your bliss. Tell me. No really, tell me: ::What you want to know; ::What crosses your mind that you forget and then remember and forget and…

  • love your strengths and you too can have career bliss

    I love the idea of a strength. I especially love the very thought of using my strengths to feel strengthened. And I love Marcus Buckingham and his crew for naming that and championing this evolution in how we view how we work. Question tho’: Why is it so difficult to see your own strengths if…

  • on the matter of death + the possibility of birth (like now)

    Learned from Vanity Fair that my childhood super crush Michael J. Fox and I have this in common: When it’s our time to go, the grim reaper will find us being licked to death by puppies. It’s a done deal. Decided. My fate is sealed. Who’s with me? Too scary to ponder? Here’s what’s real…

  • This isn’t about nudity – it’s “on-the-job” exposure

    It’s (like seriously long over-due) time to re-imagine our concept of work. Work is not just a means to an end. Real work is about creating a life that integrates all parts of you. Meaning: The simplest thing that you do is your gift to the world. It’s simply how you are. You need no…

  • Beauty secrets for writing your resume

    Beauty is a state of being. It radiates. Practically. Irresistible. Your heart might even literally feel as though it’s softened in the middle in the presence of beauty – the laughter of loved ones, puppies playing, flames dancing, a warm breeze on your skin, witnessing a sunset, or a spectacular moon rise. Most people I…